Tarkshya Yoga Bliss
We are glad you are keen on Yoga. First, please login by clicking on the Login button on the main menu. You can login using your Google or Facebook login.
Next, decide on how many sessions a week you would like to subscribe to. These are available in the Book a Plan menu. Select a plan of your choice. Payment step is integrated when you select the plan.
Once you click on 'Select' on the Book a Plan page under the plan of your choice, you may choose any payment option to book your plan by clicking the Buy Now button at the bottom. Complete your payment by entering your card details.
You are now ready to attend your sessions. You should do this by clicking on the View Calendar menu. The calendar displayed will show the current week. Select the day and click on Get Zoom Link. You will receive an email with the Zoom link for the class selected.
Each time you View Calendar and get your zoom link, the number of sessions remaining in your booked plan will reduce.
After you have exhausted your plan, you will now have to rebook a plan to start attending sessions once again. A reminder email will be sent to you as soon as you exhaust your booked plan.